EBOOK Collections

These collections hold a wide variety of content.  Search within each collection to determine if there are books that match your information need.  Once within the book, you may refine your search which will direct you to specific pages within the ebook. Standard information resource CDH logins apply to these collections.

Ebooks Minnesota | Minitex





  • These collections are funded by the State of Minnesota and contain a variety of materials from multiple publishers.

 Gale eBooks (formerly known as Gale Virtual Reference Library) | Charlotte  Mecklenburg Library




  • Specific to CDH, curated collection contains eBooks covering these topics: Arts, Biography, Business, Education, Environment, General Reference, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation and World, Religion, Science, and Social Science.

 Mackin Via is an app found in your "self service" folder. Once you download the app you can search for a variety of ebooks and audio books.

OverDrive is an app found in your "self service" folder.  Once you download the app you can search for a variety of ebooks and audio books.