Biology Students Excel in ZOOMS STEM Design Challenge

Mike Steineman, CDH Science Teacher
March 11, 2024

Sophomores in the College Prep, Advanced, and Honors Biology classes participated in the 2023-2024 ZOOMS (Zoo Math and Science) STEM Design Challenge presented by the Minnesota Zoo and sponsored by Flint Hills Resources. The project started with CDH Biology teachers Chad Anderson, Mike Steineman ‘92, Frances Sorenson, and STEM Coordinator Jeff Winsor ‘09 participating in Teacher Training at the Minnesota Zoo on September 28 to learn about Bison and Prairie Dogs.  

This year’s challenge was to create animal enrichment for both animals or to redesign their exhibit space.  While at the zoo, CDH alum and conservation biologist Mary Malinger ‘08 presented information detailing how the zoo partners with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the local Native American Tribes to conserve Bison.  

CDH students then spent the month of December studying ecology with a focus on the prairie grasslands and its two iconic species. In January, our students began the design process for their enrichment devices and exhibit redesigns. Working in groups of two to four students, the teams brainstormed, researched, and collaborated with their teams to create an exhibit or enrichment that meets the needs of the animals, the zoo staff, and the visitors. A total of 57 groups were formed with 14 enrichment teams and 43 exhibit teams. On Tuesday, January 23 and Wednesday, January 24, students gave their final presentations of their designs. 13 teams (5 enrichment & 8 exhibit) were selected to represent CDH at the Minnesota Zoo for the ZOOMS Exhibition.  

Eight teams were accepted (3 enrichment and 5 exhibit) to the Exhibition at the Zoo on Tuesday, March 5. Twenty-three of our sophomores went to the Minnesota Zoo where they gave at least three presentations to Zoo Staff and Flint Hills Engineers. Some of our students were even presenting to the CEO of the Zoo and the Mayor of Apple Valley!

We are pleased to announce that the following teams won awards based on their designs and the presentation of their designs.  

Flint Hills Innovation Award

For an imaginative and creative approach to the development of a unique Zoo Design Challenge solution.

Bison & Prairie Dogs Think Outside the Box
Paige Wieland '26, Whitney Wanning '26, Will Bischoff '26
, & Kyron Kurtz '26

3rd Place Overall

For excellence in Zoo engineering and design for the 2023-2024 ZOOMS STEM Design Challenge.

Little Bison on the Prairie
Elizabeth Thurman '26
& Olivia Laughlin '26

1st Place Overall

For excellence in Zoo engineering and design for the 2023-2024 ZOOMS STEM Design Challenge.

Redesigning the Bison & Prairie Dog Exhibit
Kyla Lynch '26, Sonia Pocernich '26, Zohra Maya '26
, & Apple Mix '26

These awards and more information are on the zoo’s website.


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