Br. Michael Rivers FSC and Pat Norusis Receive Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award
December 3, 2015
Congratulations to Pat Norusis and Br. Michael Rivers ,FSC - this year’s Distinguished Lasallian Educators! The eight awards were presented on Saturday, November 21 at a banquet at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza, held at the conclusion of the 2015 Huether Lasallian Conference. Cretin-Derham Hall is proud to have two award winners. Each year, educators from the Districts are selected by their ministries and recognized for their exceptional work as leaders among faculty and students. These Distinguished Lasallian Educators receive the award for touching the hearts and minds of their students, often leaving a lasting impression that makes a difference in the world.
Patricia Norusis
Learning Lab Teacher and Department Chair
Patricia Norusis has been teaching for 43 years. With a passion for English, her students have been blessed with greater writing skills and a love for literature. For decades, she has served as a mentor to younger teachers. In the past several years, Pat’s embodiment of Lasallian mission has been exemplified through her commitment to overseeing Cretin-Derham Hall’s Family’s Moving Forward every July. Family’s Moving Forward shelters families without a home. Pat knows that children without a stable living situation struggle academically. Through her, families have a hospitable, predictable and clean place to sleep, i.e., a shelter amidst struggles and despair.
Brother Michael Rivers, FSC,
Learning Lab Teacher
Brother Michael Rivers, FSC, has been a Christian Brother for over 50 years. He has dedicated his life to God through educating every student entrusted to his care for 47 years. At one point, he created the Clown Club to bring joy to those who needed joy and hugs. He still distributes coupons for hugs!! Moreover, through his teaching experience, he found his passion amidst those who struggle with learning challenges. He embraces his vocation and the students with joy and hope. There is nothing more touching than to hear students call him, “Brother.” Why? Because, Brother Michael is their brother.