CDH Art Student Earns Two Honorable Mentions in Scholastic Art Awards

February 12, 2025

(L-R) Beautiful Gloom, A Sweet Summer Day

CDH Art student Ghost Doyle ‘26 has received TWO honorable mention Scholastic Art Awards from the Art Educators of Minnesota. 

Ghost’s artwork was recognized by a panel of creative professionals for outstanding merit in originality, skill, and the emergence of her personal voice and vision.

Since 1923, the Scholastic Awards have recognized some of the nation’s most celebrated artists and writers while they were teenagers, including Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, José Parlá, Amanda Gorman, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates, and Andy Warhol. 

All of the Minnesota high school student art award winners can be found on the Scholastic Art & Writing website.



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