Celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph

March 24, 2021

Pope Francis has declared 2021 a special Year of StJoseph. His Feast Day was celebrated on March 19. Here at CDH, we celebrate our deep connection to StJoseph, especially because of our founders' devotion to him. He is the patron saint of the Sisters of StJoseph of Carondelet; he is also considered the patron saint of the Institute for the Christian Brothers. We shared this prayer to Saint Joseph, who is known by many titles.

Faithful Joseph:
Teach me to listen and not be afraid to trust
as you did in God's promise.

Loving Joseph:
Teach me to love courageously with a heart
that is free and just.

Protector Joseph:
Teach me to protect one another and all
that belongs to God.

Dreamer Joseph:
Teach me to dream a world where all are neighbors;
a vision illuminated by God's light.

Teacher Joseph:
Teach me to keep the Word of God close to our hearts,
and to proclaim it in word and action.

Gentle Joseph:
Teach me to be gentle with my power and
strong in my tenderness.

Parent Joseph:
Teach me to be for all persons a living lesson
of goodness and truth - a blessing for all
generations to come. Amen.


The Christian Brothers also invite Lasallians worldwide to pray this simple and beautiful novena.


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