Counseling Today - October 2024
October 9, 2024
Happy October! We encourage you to follow us on Instagram for more regular reminders and updates.
We are proud to say that our counseling department is a Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP), with CDH having earned RAMP status during the summer, 2023. We are the only private high school in Minnesota to have this designation. Feel free to read more about this great honor, what it took to earn, and what it means for our students!
If you need to contact us, please take a look at our contact page on the school website to determine the best person to help address your needs. Please note, contact information has changed some for the 24-25 school year.
School Counseling
All CDH Students
Did you know the counseling office has a check-in system for when students come see us? This helps us with attendance as well as collecting data. The counseling office had at least 594 visits over the end of August and month of September! For more descriptive data, please check out the end of this article.
The Peer Tutoring program is now available. Peer tutoring is run by students from the CDH NHS Chapter, ensuring the community receives the best student tutors. With the assistance of the counseling department, peer tutoring is a student-led group, offering more approachable perspectives of lessons and concepts. Services are offered during flex, before, and after school. Sign-up is available on the website or using the QR code found in each counselor’s Google Classrooms.
A grief and loss support group will begin the week of October 7. This group is focused on supporting students through experiences of grief and loss, particularly when they lose a member of their immediate family. During the group, students will explore navigating the ebb and flow of grief, developing healthy coping avenues, and staying connected with support systems. This group functions in a drop-in format.
- Days of the week: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
- Times: Flex 1 and/or Flex 2
- Location: Br. Michael's Office (counseling office)
- If interested, reach out to Br. Michael or your student’s school counselor
9th Grade and Transfer Students
School counselors are currently working through one-on-one meetings. All 9th grade and transfer students will have a one-on-one meeting with their designated school counselor during the first trimester. These short meet-and-greet appointments are an opportunity for students to meet their counselor and share anything they may want their counselor to know about them right away. It also allows counselors to get to know a little about their new students and ensure students know when, how, and for what reasons they can come see their counselor.
Counselors are available at parent/teacher conferences. Conferences will be held in person on a drop-in basis on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2-5pm and 6-8pm and online on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2-6pm.
9th Grade, 10th Grade, and Transfer Students
9th grade, 10th grade, and transfer students of any grade can now sign up to have a “PFP” mentor. PFP stands for People Finding People and is a mentorship class that 16 seniors were selected to be a part of. Students who sign up for a PFP will match with one of the 16 seniors and have weekly to bi-weekly, one-on-one meetings. From significant struggles to everyday life, students have the opportunity to talk to their mentor about anything they’d like! Mentor biographies and sign-up is now available on the website or in their counselor’s Google Classroom.
AP Students
AP registration for year long and 1st and 2nd Trimester only classes is coming up on November 4. When in an AP class, students are automatically signed up to take the exam when they use the Join Code provided to them by their AP teacher. Students who want to take the exam do not need to do anything outside of using the Join Code. If your student does not want to take the exam, they must see Peggy Mansur or Katie Shead in counseling, as well as have written or verbal parent permission by November 4.
College Counseling
9th and 10th Grade Students
9th and 10th grade students will take the PreACT on All School Testing Day (October 16). The PreACT is a practice exam for the ACT. Please note the 10th grade students do take a 10th grade version, different from the one they took as 9th grade students. This is a great opportunity for students to experience a standardized test prior to taking future exams such as the ACT and AP exams. Students must bring their own calculator and sharpened #2 pencils (non-mechanical). These will not be provided for students.
Junior Students
Juniors will be taking the PSAT on All School Testing Day (October 16). The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT and is also a qualifying exam for students to become National Merit Scholars. Students will take the exam on their iPad and must bring it to school charged. They should also bring a writing utensil if they’d like to use scratch paper. No calculator is necessary.
Juniors and Seniors
We are currently hosting in-person visits from college admissions officers. These visits provide an opportunity for junior and senior students to get personal attention and up to date information on schools that interest them. It also gets students connected to the colleges’ mailing lists for updates and information. Students can register for visits in Naviance or see Mrs. Mansur, the counseling assistant. CDH teachers give final approval for missing a class period. Check Naviance, the counseling website, or our Instagram account for the college visit schedule. Making an individual connection with the admissions officer is an important step to show interest in the school and to get individual questions answered.
The National College Fair will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center October 22 and 23. Colleges and universities from all across the nation will be there to answer your questions! Please make an effort to attend the evening session on Tuesday to avoid being absent during the school day.
October is FREE APPLICATION month for Minnesota state colleges and universities. If you are planning to apply to any of these schools, take advantage of a $0 application fee and submit your applications this month.
The November 1 priority deadline for college admissions and scholarships is coming up. Seniors who have a November 1 deadline should be sure to have their CDH Application Contract (aka the Purple Sheet) to the office by Tuesday, October 15 at the latest. This will allow us to send your CDH materials (transcript and letter(s) of recommendation) on time.
All School Testing Day is on October 16. Seniors have the day off. This is a great time to work on college applications. Ms. Nelson and Mr. Reynolds will be available to answer application questions that day in the LLC from 9am to 12pm. This is also a great opportunity to tour a college on a weekday to see it in action!
Chemical Health Counseling
All Students - Chemical Free Corner
Galaxy Gas: Nitrous Oxide Use as a Trend Among Teens
There is a culinary supply company in Atlanta, GA called Galaxy Gas that sells colorfully flavored canisters of nitrous oxide meant for preparing desserts. But the company has become more known for the recreational use of these canisters rather than for its contribution to culinary arts. The bright colors and variety of flavors make them appealing to teens. “Whippet” is the general term used to describe nitrous oxide (N2O) abuse.
The whippet trend may have resurfaced when a video went viral: a teen inhaling gas and then in a deep voice announcing his name as “Lil T”. Rappers have made videos toasting with these canisters making them seem commonplace and acceptable. Social media and popular streamers on Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube have added to the popularity.
A brief history:
Nitrous oxide has been around for hundreds of years. It was first synthesized in 1772 by an English chemist when he produced nitrous airs by heating iron filings soaked in nitric acid. In 1774, a Scottish engineer was hired by an English doctor to make a machine that produced nitrous oxide with an attached breathing apparatus to treat lung diseases.
Though being investigated for medical purposes, by 1799, N2O found its way into parties of the British upper class. Nitrous oxide was referred to as “laughing gas”. Medical students were the primary users as they had access. By the 1820’s, showmen traveled Britain and the US demonstrating the effects of nitrous oxide. They would have audience members inhale it then have them move and speak animatedly for everyone’s entertainment.
In 1844, Dr Horace Wells, a dentist in Connecticut, attended one of these demonstrations. He witnessed a man fall, yet not feel pain after inhaling nitrous oxide. Dr. Wells got the idea that this gas might be useful in dental procedures. By 1863 dentists were using nitrous oxide on their patients. By 1864, the American Dental Association recognized Dr Wells as the discoverer of N20 as an analgesic/anesthetic. The nitrous oxide a dentist uses contains at least 30% oxygen. The product kids are breathing is pure nitrous oxide.
It can be ordered online from the company Galaxy Gas, on Amazon or picked up at big box stores such as Walmart and Costco. Some gas stations and smoke shops carry it. Access depends on how crafty the teen is at declaring they are 18 or older and how carefully they are checked.
What does it do?
The lightheadedness and euphoria one feels from inhaling happens within seconds and lasts only a few minutes. The brief “high” is caused by N20 disrupting the central nervous system and cutting off oxygen. It's short lived and you have to keep inhaling to keep the desired effect.
Inhaling the gas deprives the brain of oxygen leading to dizziness, fainting and even loss of consciousness. Continued use can cause damage to the brain, central nervous system, and heart. It can cause memory and coordination problems, and even sudden death. The cold of whippets can cause frostbite to lips, throat, nose and make a person more accident prone due to lack of judgment. Understanding these risks is crucial to educating teens on the serious consequences of inhalant abuse and preventing long-term harm.
Clues that someone may be using Galaxy Gas are:
Empty whipped cream canisters or small metal cartridges, mood swings, confusion or impaired coordination.
If you notice any of these indicators, start an open and honest conversation with your teen about the dangers of inhalant abuse. Approach the topic with empathy and understanding, creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment.
While early intervention is key, professional help can provide the guidance and support needed for lasting change. Treatment providers can help put you and your teen in contact with a wide range of resources. These can range from inpatient treatment services to medical detox centers or outpatient rehab facilities.
If you are using Galaxy Gas or know someone who is, please contact a trusted adult, me, and/or your school counselors who are here to listen and help.
Laura Esping
Chemical Health Counselor
Cretin-Derham Hall
Important Dates
Sep 9 - Oct 31
Many college admissions rep visits are already scheduled. Click here to see the full schedule. The schedule is also available on Naviance and will be shared weekly on Instagram.
Oct 1: Peer tutoring and peer mentoring became available
Oct 10: Mid-trimester grades will be due. Contact your student’s school counselor if you have any concerns
Oct 15-16: Parent/teacher conferences. Counselors will be available in their offices on the 15th and virtually on the 16th
Oct 16: All School Testing Day. See the College Counseling section above for further information
Oct 17-18: No school - MEA Break
Oct 22: National College Fair: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and again from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Oct 23: National College Fair: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Nov 1: Priority deadline for many colleges and scholarships
Nov 4: Deadline to opt out of taking an AP exam for year long and Trimester 1/2 only classes
Counseling Data
Here is some data for the beginning of the school year through the end of September. As you can see, the seniors have been busy in our office as it’s that time of year for college applications!