Fall is a Busy Time for Class Reunions

September 27, 2023

The CDH Class of '88

During the past summer and early fall, alumni from Cretin, Derham Hall, and Cretin-Derham Hall hosted several reunions to reconnect with their classmates and friends. The 50- and 60- year reunions were held during the week of September 13-16, with events on the CDH campus and at local venues in the surrounding area.

Nearly forty members of the Cretin class of ‘63 gathered for a Memorial Mass, reunion luncheon, and tour of the school. The Cretin class of ‘73 gathered for Mass and a tour of the school. Other activities included a golf outing at Highland and a dinner to celebrate at the ONE CDH Alumni Event. Derham Hall ‘73 enjoyed their reunion at Casper’s Cherokee Restaurant. An “All-School” 50th Class Reunion was held at the Pool & Yacht Club. Many alumni “came home” to Minnesota from all over the United States, including California, Nevada, and Arizona.

Other class reunions:

The CDH Class of ‘98 recently celebrated their 25th reunion at Shamrock’s. The Derham Hall and Cretin classes of '78 celebrated 45 years together along with St. Thomas Academy and Visitation at Mancini’s and the CDH class of 1988 celebrated their 35-year reunion at Mancini’s as well. Derham Hall ‘83 and Cretin ‘83 enjoyed gathering for their 40th reunion. CDH Classes of '03 and '13 will celebrate their 20th and 10th reunions in the upcoming weeks.

Reunions are a wonderful way to reconnect with classmates and it is also a great way to celebrate and give back to Cretin-Derham Hall with a financial gift. Many classes choose to coordinate their gifts. For example, the Cretin Class of '63 dedicated their 60th anniversary gift to the memory of their classmates, George Bonfe and Mike Ryan. The Bonfe-Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund was created to assist a student with physical challenges who wishes to attend CDH.   

CDH could not be what it is today without the generous support of our alumni throughout the years! If you are a member of a class ending in -4 or -9 and you are interested in planning your anniversary reunion gathering, please contact Megan Fee Smith ‘00, Alumni Relations & Events Coordinator. We look forward to hosting alumni events and reunions during Homecoming 2024!

Cretin Class of '63

CDH Class of '98

Cretin Class of '73

Cretin Class of '68


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