Join CDH for Empty Bowls on February 7
Peter Gleich, Campus Minister
January 24, 2018
Our 16th annual Empty Bowls will be held on Wednesday, February 7. All members of our CDH community are invited to join us for lunch, served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and/or supper, served from 4 to 7 p.m., in the Griep Family Gym.
Admission is open to the public. Guests are invited to select a handmade ceramic bowl created by students and local artisans, enjoy a delicious meal of soup and bread, and bid on our silent auction items. Guests will be asked to make a donation of $3 per person.
“Give a man (or woman) a fish and you feed them for a day.
Teach them to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.”
This maxim continues to guide the work of Empty Bowls at CDH, and the work of Heifer International, the organization who receives all funds raised by our annual event.
Thanks to the great generosity of so many, our CDH community has donated over $120,000 to Heifer International. We are deeply grateful to all who have supported Empty Bowls, especially our soup, bread, ceramic bowl and auction donors, as well as those who provide direct financial donations.
This year’s Empty Bowls is under the direction of students: Megan Commers, Claire McMahon, Frannie Nicolo, Katherine Kruser, Amy Rueter, Katie Schearer, Elizabeth Everson, Allison Reding, Carolina Schuster, Mary Grace Shearon, Andrew Theisen, Karissa Tschida, Lynn Willems, Ana Cullen, Will Domler, Max Karas, Olivia Kalla, Ellie Murphy, and Sarah Munson.
If you have any questions regarding Empty Bowls, or are interested in supporting the event with a monetary donation, or soups, bread, or auction items, please contact Peter Gleich.
New Monthly Initiative at CDH Raises Awareness of World Hunger: Stone Soup Speaker Series
In spite of the best efforts of so many around the world, hunger and starvation continue to be a reality for far too many of our sisters and brothers across the earth. To help keep our CDH community aware of this fact, our Empty Bowls team, under the direction of Juniors Andrew Theisen and Lynn Willems, has begun our monthly Empty Bowls “Stone Soup” lunch and speaker series.
With the support of our academic departments that are providing soups each month, students and staff gather to learn more the vital work being done locally, nationally and internationally to combat the challenges faced by others around the world.
January’s guest speaker was Arch Mrkvicka, from Friends of San Lucas Mission in Guatemala. Upcoming speakers will be representatives from Books for Africa, Catholic Charities, Second Harvest and Heifer International.
Our next Stone Soup lunch and speaker will be on Wednesday, February 21 in the CDH Commons.
If you have any questions regarding Empty Bowls Stone Soup Series, please contact Peter Gleich.
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