Lasallian Youth: Faith, Service, Community, and Justice

Peter Gleich, Campus Ministry
November 6, 2017

Students gather to experience first hand a night of homelessness.Our Twin Cities Lasallian Youth from Cretin-Derham Hall and Holy Family gathered for our 6th Annual Night to Fight Homelessness on November 3 & 4.

Over 50 students and staff from these Lasallian schools gathered to learn more about the reality faced by thousands of homeless here in Minnesota and all over our nation.

In addition to the informative presentations on the situation, time was spent sharing a late night chili and soup dinner, as well as games and prayer, all in preparation for our act of solidarity with those who are homeless. All of our student and staff participants spent a frosty, snowing night on the Holy Family football field. While many awakened at 5:30 a.m. very cold and cramped, all were given a glimpse into the life faced each day by those without a place to call home.

A special thanks to our CDH Lasallians who participated in our Night to Fight Homelessness: Lily Brielmaier, Shawn Brodie Jr., Ben Craighead, Frank Enestvedt, Elizabeth Everson, Teagan Fee, Caroline Greenheck, Jane Grumbles, Andrew Keis, Maria LeMire, Taylor Lindeman, Margaret Musolf, Allison Naber, Caroline Schuster, Mary Grace Shearon, Annie Stang, Lily Stenback, Katie Stevermer, Karissa Tschida, Jenny Vu, Anna Weyandt, Lynn Willems, Mr. Joe Miley'11, Ms. Suzanne Engel Zobitz'80, and Mr. Peter Gleich.

Plans are in the works for our annual Lasallian Youth “Breakfast with Santa”. On December 15, more than 50 students and staff will celebrate the joy of our Christmas season with the kindergarten and first-grade students at Community of Saints Regional Catholic School in West St. Paul. This 32-year tradition from Derham Hall, Cretin and Cretin-Derham Hall continues to be a highlight experience for many here at CDH.

Finally, all students are invited to join our Lasallian Youth here at CDH. We meet Fridays during lunch and homeroom in the Campus Ministry group room. Please contact Mr. Joe Miley, Mr. Vetch, Ms. Zobitz or Mr. Gleich for more information.


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