Letter from the Principal - February 2022

By Mona Passman, Principal
February 9, 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Cretin-Derham Hall had the honor of hosting the SEC Music Festival on Monday, February 7. Each SEC high school band, choir, and orchestra performed throughout the day with a Grand Finale Concert that evening. 

The Grand Finale Concert was the culminating event of the day. More than 650 guests listened to the All-Conference Band, All-Conference Choir, and All-Conference Orchestra. The three ensembles performed separately and joined together at the concert’s end for their traditional finale of  “America the Beautiful.”  It was nothing short of spectacular.  

While the evening performance was outstanding, the highlight of my day was listening to our CDH students perform and receive feedback from the guest clinicians. Our band and choir were well prepared, and they performed beautifully. The guest clinicians complimented both groups and provided insightful feedback. Our students eagerly welcomed the critique. It was a gift to witness their pure love of music and learning.  

Monday’s event was inspiring. I gained a greater appreciation of the arts and a renewed appreciation of learning. A few years ago, an SEC guest conductor remarked, “The real value of music is that it makes a person better.” That has remained with me because we can say that about everything we do at CDH.  

All too often, we judge the value of education by grades, test scores, or college admissions statistics. But there are so many other values of education to keep in mind. Our students encounter teachers, coaches, and advisors who inspire them and touch their hearts and minds daily. These adults help our students become curious about the world around them. They also form meaningful relationships with their students. They show their students how to love God and the dear neighbor without distinction. Like music, the real value of learning is that it makes a person better.

I am grateful and proud that CDH celebrates the arts. I am also grateful and proud that CDH values the joy of learning.


Mona Passman, Principal



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