Letter from the Principal - May 2021

By Mona Passman, Principal
May 12, 2021

 Dear Parents and Guardians,

I am filled with immense gratitude for the grace God grants us through the gift of spring. It is a reminder to me of God’s covenant with us after a long, dark period.  

Each day we are greeted by the morning light, by birds singing, by green grass and the leaves budding on the trees, by the warmth of spring air, by the fragrance of lilacs, and by the taste of spring vegetables. As parents, educators, and students, spring also includes the sounds of spring sporting events, groups of students gathering outdoors, yearbook distribution, AP tests, award celebrations, concerts, and our spring musical. Soon, we will be sending our seniors off for graduation and families will be celebrating with graduation parties.  

I admit, I am still filled with some cautious trepidation after the pandemic. Already, my memory is fading, but my soul reminds me of the struggles we faced and continue to face. As adults, we did the best we could and at times, our best wasn’t good enough. We let our children and one another down. And yet, we kept facing the challenges with the promise to ourselves and to our students to do better. And we emerged.  

Celebrating the customs and traditions of spring with our students reminds me of all that we did right as adults and the reasons we were unrelenting in our resolve amidst the struggles. 

On Saturday night, the senior class gathered at CHS Field for the Senior Extravaganza, a combination of events that included prom and other year-end celebrations. It was fun to join parents as they watched the students at the Grand March and to later observe the students gathered together socially, having fun and celebrating. It was a blessing to be with them.

God sent us the promise of spring. While we still have plenty of work to do, for now, please join me in accepting this gift by celebrating with gratitude the joy that spring provides.

God’s peace to you,

Mona Passman



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