Letter from the Principal - September 2022

September 14, 2022

Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back! Two weeks into the school year, and we are already in full swing. Students and teachers are hard at work in their classrooms. Parents have been on campus for orientation and Back to School Night. We celebrated our first All School Mass. Student athletes are competing in games, meets, and matches with enthusiastic fans. The theater department is holding its first auditions this week. We gathered for our first CASA. Our new JROTC officers were named on Monday at Diamond Promotions.  

The start of the school year is typically a time for renewal, and this year is certainly no exception. In fact, this year is proving to be one of the most positive beginnings many of us can remember. This optimism was alive and well even before the first school bells rang on August 29.

We launched our year with new teacher and faculty workshops in August by welcoming several new teachers and staff members. We spent our workshops establishing the groundwork for a positive school climate, culture, and community. Teachers and staff engaged in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), DEI training, department meetings, and classroom setup. We also laid out clear expectations for our students and one another. 

Parents and guardians of all grade levels provided overwhelming support by joining us at Parent Orientation and Back to School Night. We even have a new Grandparents' Association who partnered with our Parents’ Association to greet students and serve donuts on the first day of school. These partnerships are critical in establishing a strong learning environment for our students.

Last, but certainly not least, our remarkable students are responding to the school year with positivity, enthusiasm, and respect. Their school spirit was already visible at practices and games before the start of the school year.  Link Crew enthusiastically welcomed our new ninth graders at ninth-grade orientation.  Students were sincerely happy to see their teachers as they warmly greeted one another during the first days of school. Students have been kind and respectful to one another, too.   

While we will undoubtedly encounter challenges throughout the year, we are blessed by a community committed to creating a school culture and climate that reflects our mission and values.  

Thank you for a great start to the school year. Let’s continue to work together to make this the best school possible for our students.

God’s blessings on each of you,

Mona Passman


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