Letter from the Principal

Mona Passman, Principal
April 12, 2017

Principal Mona PassmanWe take a break over these next several days to observe the most holy time of our liturgical year, Triduum. While for some this may only be another sign of spring, as Catholics and Christians, we know it to be much more. The Paschal Mystery is the foundation of our faith as well as a foundation for the community of Cretin-Derham Hall.

The human experience of the resurrection is different for every one of us. At times, our suffering seems unbearable such as the loss of a loved one or a devastating disaster. At other times, a long winter of depression haunts us. As teachers and parents, we know that these difficulties can be a greater struggle for the teenagers in our lives. Our responsibility as adults is to walk this journey with these young people and teach them about the power of faith. Each day we model our own trust in God and belief in the Paschal Mystery. We show them how the belief in Everlasting Life transforms us. They learn from us how to be an Easter people.

May you, and those you love, experience a blessed Easter!


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