Make A Year-End Gift to Cretin-Derham Hall

December 22, 2016

Thank you for your continued support of Cretin-Derham Hall!

If you have not yet made a gift to Cretin-Derham Hall this year, please consider us among your year-end contributions.

Your fully tax-deductible gift can be made online or you can send your donation to 550 South Albert Street, St. Paul, MN 55116. For stock transfer instructions or credit card donations, please email Peggy Gartland Schafer'79, or call 651-696-3318.

Your support enables CDH to provide a Catholic education rooted in Gospel values and service, an outstanding academic environment where students are encouraged to learn and grow, and a wonderful community in which friendships are made that last forever.

Thank you for your continued support of Cretin-Derham Hall.

Happy New Year!


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