Parents' Association - Grandparents' Mass May 10

February 8, 2017

Grandparents' Day

Grandparents are invited to spend the morning with their grandchild(ren) celebrating their faith together in the CDH Joe Mauer Field House. Our annual Grandparents' Mass will be on Wednesday, May 10, 2017, at 8:00 a.m. 

If grandparents are unable to attend, students may choose to invite another significant senior citizen in their life. All Cretin-Derham Hall students are encouraged to attend!

Be sure to add this date on your grandparents’ calendars and tell them to watch for their invitation. Students should arrange to meet their grandparents at school before Mass. Seating will be in chairs (not bleachers) and the Field House is wheelchair accessible.

Please provide contact information; we will send a personal invitation to your grandparent(s) or other chosen senior citizen guest in March.


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