From the Parents' Association

September 14, 2022

Dear CDH Parents and Guardians, 

On behalf of the CDH Parents' Association, I would like to welcome you to the 2022/23 school year.  We are excited to get underway and meet all families at our upcoming events.

This year we will also be collaborating with the newly formed Grandparents’ Association. More details about this exciting collaboration will be coming your way soon. 

The Cretin-Derham Hall Parents' Association is an all-volunteer organization devoted to promoting and improving the Cretin-Derham Hall community.  Our mission is to make the CDH community a special place for all families and our children. In this effort, the Parents’ Association sponsors many events throughout the year which bring students, parents, faculty and staff together in a positive and fun environment. 

The PA also provides a forum for parents to air suggestions or concerns which relate to the Cretin-Derham Hall community and will serve to enhance all students’ experiences at CDH. We enthusiastically welcome all parents to attend our monthly board meetings, found on the CDH calendar. (The CDH Parents’ Association will meet at 7pm in the CDH staff lounge the second Tuesday of every month unless otherwise stated in communications.) More information is available on the Parents' Association webpage. 


While the Parents’ Association is already preparing for the year, we need your help. Below are brief descriptions of Parents’ Association sponsored events. Click here for more information and a sign-up sheet to volunteer. Please take a moment to review these opportunities and consider where you would like to help. Please sign up by October 1.

Family Dues

Finally, we are also asking each family to send in a Parents' Association Donation of $40 per family. This will help keep the cost to attend our events affordable while allowing us to continue the great traditions of CDH. Please remit your payment, care of CDH Parents' Association, to the Business Office or use our on-line payment form

Thank you in advance for your participation and enthusiasm. Your PA cannot wait to meet you!

Erin Kimlinger                   
PA President                  

Cretin-Derham Hall Parents’ Association Events

Mother-Daughter Luncheon
Help with invitations, decorations, set-up, entertainment and reservations, assist at event.

Silver Belle Dance
Need volunteers for all aspects and for chaperoning the night of.

Father-Daughter Dinner Dance
Help with Invitations, decorations, set-up, assist at event.

Father-Son Banquet
Help with invitations, decorations, set-up, arrange entertainment, assist at event.

Mother-Son Event
Help with invitations, decorations, registration, set-up, assist at event.

Grandparents’ Mass and Reception
Help with invitations, set-up help day prior and day of, help at event.

Baccalaureate Brunch
Plan the menu, invitations, set-up, decorations, help at event.

Senior Lock-in
Senior Lock-in all night party held at CDH the night of graduation – entertainment, decorations, food,
raffle gifts, registration, security, clean-up. Junior and Senior parent volunteers needed.

Refreshment - Ongoing throughout the school year
Arrange refreshments (bake cookies) at CDH for Back-to-School Night, parent-teacher conferences, and other events.

Faculty and Staff Appreciation
Help with event and/or donate food items or cash contributions towards the event.

Welcome Committee
This committee is responsible for attending the new parent evening at CDH, Back-to-School night,
conferences, and the two open house evenings at school. Tasks are to welcome parents, monitor
refreshments, and answer questions parents may have about Cretin-Derham Hall.

Eucharistic Adoration
Participate in Adoration in the CDH chapel for one hour each month (or the months you are available).
Adoration is usually on the first Friday of the month depending on the school calendar.

Raider Rack
Staff the Raider Rack after school and at special events.


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