Phonathon Reaches Super Stretch Goal

May 23, 2017

Members of the CDH Phonathon Team.The CDH Phonathon program is made up of students who have benefited from the generosity of our supporters over the years.  This May, the Phonathon team surpassed their original $125,000 goal and went on to exceed their $150,000 stretch goal.

All gifts pledged and fulfilled through Phonathon count towards the Annual Fund. The calling season begins in October and goes until mid-May. Please visit our online giving page if you have an outstanding pledge and would like to fulfill it online. Thank you!

We salute graduating senior Cooper Lees, who has been a part of the CDH Phonathon team for three years and has raised over $60,000 for Cretin-Derham Hall students. Cooper will be attending Colorado Mountain College, in Steamboat Springs Colorado in the fall and we wish him all the best!


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