Seniors Present Big Action Projects

Kevin Flynn, Spectrum teacher
May 5, 2017

Student presenters (projects linked below). Not pictured: Michael Carter

Senior students in the period 3/4 section of Spectrum presented their Big Action Projects before a panel made up of faculty, parents, community members, and their classmates.  

Presentations were held during the last week in April which reflected work by 36 seniors.  The projects started in December when students were asked to choose a social justice issue that they were passionate about and wanted to impact in a positive way.

Students first researched the problem by identifying local groups working to make change, interviewing experts in their chosen topic, attending an event related to their topic, and conducting thorough research using academic search tools at their disposal to gain a complete understanding of their chosen issue.

Using this knowledge, they had to clearly state the needs of the 'dear neighbors' who suffer as a result of the social injustice.

Finally, they were tasked with creating and carrying out an action project that would create change in our community using their individual gifts and talents.

Students chose to take on a wide range of issues.  For instance, some topics that resulted in an action project this year include lack of support for injured veterans, the need to resettle refugees, the needless food waste in the restaurant industry, and mental health support for victims of sexual assault.  

We are so very proud of the amazing work that our students have done.

Here are a few examples of student-created actions that were possible to share electronically:

Irene Stringer and Hailey Ryan’s website about sexual assault in high school.

Michael Carter’s original song (he co-wrote and produced this himself!) with all proceeds benefitting MN Adopt for his project on the flaws in the Minnesota foster care system.

Shannon Ostenby's YouTube video teaching you how to knit hats for newborns in the developing world as a strategy to decrease maternal mortality.  

If you work with a local non-profit that might be able to assist a student in the future, or if you are interested in sitting on our distinguished panel next April, please contact Kevin Flynn at


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