Students Head to Guatemala for Justice Education Trip

June 12, 2018

In Atlanta airport waiting for flight to Guatemala. Thirteen students and two faculty members have arrived in Guatemala this week to begin their  Justice Education Trip. The group will return to Minnesota on June 21.

Partnering with the mission of San Lucas Toliman, students travel to Lake Atitlan in northwestern Guatemala. Students learn the history of Guatemala, its economic conditions, and reforestation projects; they will pick coffee beans and play with the children.  One of the goals of the trip is to work side-by-side with the locals.

Follow along with the students on the CDH Travel Blog. The San Lucas Mission, where hundreds of CDH students have visited over the years, is also collecting money for the Volcano Victim Relief Fund. A link to donate to this fund is on this CDH blog page.

Justice Education Trips immerse students in circumstances and cultures beyond their own experience. Each trip involves thorough preparation and reflection upon not simply the people they will meet but also the social systems that keep people from reaching their full potential. Therefore, these trips are appropriately entitled, “Justice Education Trips,” not mission trips.  One goal of this program is that those who experience these trips will continue to reflect and consider ways to alleviate poverty well into their adult lives.



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Easter Mass Celebrated

Fr. Pat Kennedy led Easter Mass in the field house on April 4, with several students and staff taking part with the readings and music.