Variety Show Highlights Student Talent

March 23, 2018

Matthew Umoh'19 shares his spoken word talentThe annual CDH Variety Show was held during Chill Out Week to the delight of all in attendance.  Singing, dancing, and joke-telling made for a fun evening in the Lillian Theater on March 16, 2018.

Thank you and congratulations to all the talented participants! 

Grace Regala'18

Abby Sticha'18

Katie Schearer'18

Katherine Kruser'18

Matthew Umoh'19

Jimmy Readon'20

Erick Nguyen'18

Abraham Teuber'18

Kerry Schneeman'18

Alex Ngo'21

Juan Giraldo Sepulveda'20

Julia Guttery'18

Emma Poole'18


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