Faculty & Staff Appreciation

Show Your Support and Appreciation

The Faculty and Staff Appreciation committee has the honor of coordinating events to demonstrate parent appreciation to the entire Cretin-Derham Hall faculty and staff. In fall and spring, we will ask our volunteers to send in food to provide an all day breakfast and lunch buffet. Volunteer today if you're interested in this committee.

  • The committee chairs contact volunteers, organize and serve food sent in by current parents. 
  • This committee is a wonderful way to get involved in our community and meet CDH parents. 
  • None of the events we do for our teachers and staff would be possible without the generous food donations and time given by our fabulous volunteers.

Fall 2024 Faculty/Staff Appreciation

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Click here to volunteer to serve and/or bring food donations.(food donation page will be open soon)

Online Donations for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Events

To contribute online, please click here. Thank you for your support.

Event Chair

Sara Peterman

Alice Grassman