
Contact Delilah Schuster for information about joining the CDH Choir.

Welcome to Choir at CDH! All voices are welcome in our program, regardless of previous experience or pre-existing musical skills. If you "can't sing" - yes you CAN, and this is where to learn how! We put on several concerts each year, as well as participate in all-conference music festivals, community events, and even  tours with the CDH Band to places like San Diego and San Antonio. Many of our students also participate in Honor Choir opportunities around the state and even the country. Our current choral opportunities at CDH include the following: 

Concert Choir

Concert Choir is a curricular ensemble that is open to all CDH students regardless of musical ability, experience, or voice part. In this rehearsal-based class, we will focus primarily on building musicianship, developing healthy vocal technique and tone, and expanding musical literacy. Concert Choir is a year-long course and is the premier ensemble at CDH. This is the recommended option for incoming freshmen and/or new singers from any grade. 

Select Honors Choir

Select Honors Choir is open to 11th and 12th graders who have taken at least 1 year of choir and who would like to get honors credit for the class. These singers sing with Concert Choir in the same class, but have a few extra responsibilities and challenges through the year such as singing in the Solo/Ensemble competition.

Music Ministry

Music Ministry is an extracurricular group that meets once a week during Flex Time with the purpose of preparing music to sing at school Masses and prayer services. This is a low-commitment group that is focused on sharing our musical gifts to serve God and our school community. You may participate in both Concert Choir and Music Ministry, but you don’t have to be in one to be in the other.

Our program is growing. Coming soon (2024-2025):
Crescendo Choir - This will be a non-auditioned extracurricular group that is for singers who wish to be in choir but struggle to fit it in their school schedule. We will meet a few times a week before and/or after school to prepare music for concerts.
Raider Resonance - This will be an auditioned extracurricular group that will focus on a capella pop repertoire. At least one year in Choir is recommended before auditioning for this advanced ensemble. 
Check out @cdhchoir on Instagram to see pictures and clips from our recent musical adventures! If you have any questions about getting involved in the vocal arts at CDH, please don't hesitate to email Ms. Schuster. Hope to sing with you soon!